Thursday, December 15, 2011

Letting Go

How do you learn to let go of someone who has been part of your whole life?
When my mom died 8 years ago,I thought it would be the hardest thing I ever had to go through. But having my sister pass away this year at the age of 63, has really blown me away.
Even though she is or now I can say was 7 years older then me..Someday I will be older then her..That's just not right..How can I be older then my older sister?

We grew up in different generations.. she got to do everything first
She wore a flip hairdoo.. I wore a Beatledoo...
she wore a poodle skirt ..I wore a mini skirt..
she wore 2 piece bathing suit...I wore a bikini
but it doesn't matter what we wore.. we always wore our family pride..

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