Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Tonite is Christmas eve.. Dec 24th , 2011.
What a sad way to celebrate Christmas Eve.. Playing on Facebook games. The reality of it is, everyone is on Facebook. What a sorry bunch we are? Looking to see ,Who , said Merry Christmas or just maybe invited us to play some word game! I am right there looking for my turn to play!!
When outside the temperature is 3 above zero!! Perfect conditions for Santa and his reindeer to skim across the Maine sky...and alot of little kids are waiting for him to slip into their house and deposit the wonderful things they have seen on TV these year, that they so desperately want! But not knowing.. there is no money for these things!

All I want for Christmas is child to go hungry..too much food in this country wasted..
No one to go without medical needs..sometimes it matters ..for life or death
No one to be homeless, we all deserve a place to call home.
All animals be treated with respect..after all they are our number one main source of food , go back to number 1!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Letting Go

How do you learn to let go of someone who has been part of your whole life?
When my mom died 8 years ago,I thought it would be the hardest thing I ever had to go through. But having my sister pass away this year at the age of 63, has really blown me away.
Even though she is or now I can say was 7 years older then me..Someday I will be older then her..That's just not right..How can I be older then my older sister?

We grew up in different generations.. she got to do everything first
She wore a flip hairdoo.. I wore a Beatledoo...
she wore a poodle skirt ..I wore a mini skirt..
she wore 2 piece bathing suit...I wore a bikini
but it doesn't matter what we wore.. we always wore our family pride..